How Much Does Disability Pay For Depression?

If you struggle with long-term clinical depression, you already know that it is more than simply feeling sad for a few days or being temporarily upset about a particular life event that has led you to feel unhappy. On the contrary, long-term clinical depression is a chronic, ongoing, and often disabling condition that is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Often, those who struggle with depression may even find the condition to be so severe that it prevents them from being able to work.

If you find yourself in this situation, you may be wondering how much you can receive in disability benefits. It’s an important question to ask, as being disabled can cause a significant amount of financial stress. Let’s take a closer look at when depression may qualify for benefits, and how much you may be likely to receive.

Does Your Condition Qualify?

First and foremost, it is important to keep in mind that to qualify to receive disability benefits from the Social Security Administration, you must be able to establish, through medical proof, that you have a qualifying disabling condition, and that you have been unable to work for at least 12 months as a result of the disabling condition.

When assessing a patient for clinical depression, a doctor will usually conduct a thorough examination to rule out any other medical conditions that may be causing the symptoms. To identify and diagnose clinical depression, a physician will look for a variety of symptoms, some of which may include:

  • 1). Ongoing sadness
  • 2). Irritability
  • 3). Difficulty concentrating
  • 4). Lack of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • 5). Fatigue
  • 6). Restlessness
  • 7). Change in appetite or sleeping patterns
  • 8). A variety of other factors

These symptoms are only a few of many, so it is important to ensure that you consult a doctor who will be thorough in reviewing your symptoms and assessing your condition. After you’ve received a diagnosis, you can begin to pursue the benefits you need and deserve.

Taking A Closer Look At Benefit Calculations

As you attempt to determine how much you might receive in disability benefits, it’s important to understand that the Social Security Administration generally provides two types of benefits for disabled individuals:

  • 1). Social Security Disability Income (SSDI): SSDI benefits are typically provided for those who are unable to work as a result of a qualifying disabling condition, and who have worked in a job for a certain amount of time through which they paid into the Social Security system. These individuals are considered “insured” for Social Security purposes.
  • 2). Supplemental Security Income (SSI): SSI disability benefits are benefits provided to those individuals who have a qualifying disability that renders them unable to work, but who have low income, and generally did not work a job through which they paid into the system for the necessary amount of time.

When attempting to calculate the actual monetary amount you might receive, you should keep in mind that it is generally not the condition itself that determines how much money you will receive. If you are applying for SSDI benefits, the amount of your monthly payment will generally depend upon a variety of factors, including:

  • 1). Your salary before the disability
  • 2). How much you’ve paid into the Social Security system
  • 3). The severity of your condition
  • 4). Several other factors depending upon your unique circumstances.

Each year, the Social Security Administration sets limits on the maximum amount might that a disabled individual might receive. In 2022, for example, the highest possible monthly SSDI payment was $3,345, although that amount can be lower or higher depending upon the particular year. Insofar as SSI benefits are concerned, these payments generally do not depend upon work history, and recipients must be below a certain income threshold to qualify. In 2022, the maximum monthly SSI amounts were $421 for an essential person, $841 for individuals, and $1261 for couples.

Ultimately, the best course of action you can take as you attempt to determine whether you may qualify for benefits and how much you might receive is to contact an attorney who knows and understands the law, and who can help you assess your particular situation. At London Eligibility, we’re here to help.

London Eligibility – Here For You

If you struggle with depression, you should know that you are not alone, even though it may feel that way at times. It’s important to remember that countless others also struggle with this condition and have received the benefits they need and deserve. If you’re ready to take your first step toward what is hopefully a better and brighter chapter ahead, there’s no time better than now to do so. At London Eligibility, our knowledgeable and experienced team of disability benefits attorneys is ready and waiting to help. We’re here for you, and we know the best legal strategies to pursue on your behalf. Give us a call today. We look forward to speaking with you soon.